In the shop: Pilea plants

They're here at last! These adorable little plants are strangely elusive in Toronto, yet seem to be all over the blog/pinterest world.

Pilea Peperomioides, other wise known as Chinese money plants, were originally from China. Brought to Europe by a Norwegian missionary in the 1940's, this plant is actually very easy to propagate but seldom seen at plant suppliers. A healthy plant will sprout little baby plants at it's main stem, which you can easily remove and root into water then into potting soil.

Pileas like frequent watering, don't let them get dry but don't let the soil be soggy. Here in the shop we're watering  weekly but checking mid week as well. Set them somewhere with some indirect but bright sunlight. Not enough sunlight will cause the lily-pad like leaves to curl, so take that as a sign you need to move to a brighter spot. Be weary of having them too close to air-conditioning or heating vents.

We were incredibly lucky and managed to get our hands on two mature Pileas that had many little offshoots. We've rooted our own little Pilea army and now they are ready to find new homes :)


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